Ok, so rumor has it that this site is good for venting and rambling on about things, so here i am! I can for see this taking some time before i get it all figured out!
Everyday for the last 2 weeks has been crazy! This week more than last. WAY CRAZY! Ive been doing tons of paper work and phone calls. Not going to lie im sick of it. So here it is Thursday my only day to not have Lynlee and its like im bored. YES bored. I slept til 9 which in return made me cranky because i dont like to sleep that long, and im still sitting here and havent done crap today, which reminds me i just opened the door and realized its warmer today than it has been the last few days, so frankly im irritated with myself for not being outside. grr! :(
Lately i have noticed that im always worried about the future, and im in a hurry to get EVERYTHING done, little stuff that shouldnt even matter. Its like that song "i rush and rush until life's no fun." Sometimes i honestly feel like i can not make myself slow down. Marriage for example. (Yes, Brandon and I have had the talk mannnnny times) All of my friends are getting married and having kids...so whats the first thing i think? I have to get married right now, i feel like im getting old and im going to miss my chance..blah blah blah blah blah! I want it to happen and i want it to happen RIGHT NOW! For the love of all things holy! Im 22 years old, im not missing out, im not going to miss my chance. But if i dont calm down and stop rushing stuff to happen 2 things are going to happen. 1) im going to have a nervous breakdown or stroke out 2) im going to run off the one and only person i want to spend my life! Whhhheeewww breath deeply, everything happens when its suppose to, so i can wait my turn or i can stress out and rush things. Ill stick with choice A!
So with all of that being said, im going to fill up my truck, put on my new sunglasses, and enjoy a long roadtrip by myself. :)
test run